The license plates brags about ”Divers paradise”..but it is not just empty words.
It did take some 21 hours to reach the small island in the Southern part of the Caribbean, but with the sight of the blue ocean – in just the right shade of sea-blue – the long journey was forgotten.
The coral reef that surrounds the island is home to around 350 species of fish and 50 kinds of hard and soft coral. One of the specialties of Bonaire in line of diving, is the “drive and dive concept”. You rent a small truck at your hotel, pick up your diving tanks and go on the road. Along the coast there are clearly marked signs, telling that just here is a special diving spot. Then you just park your car, suit up and walk 20 meter across the beach. The reef begins another 30 – 50 meters from the coast. The general visibility is fine ( 20 – 40 meter), the water temperature in December was on the right site of 26 degrees..and even the fish were friendly.
On our occasional visit to the surface we also enjoyed the blowholes on the East coast, the striding flamingoes as well as the ten meter high cactus. Our ten days at Bonaire ended all too fast.
The tourist authorities claim that eighty per cent of the visitors return to Bonaire…I believe them.