Ulla Lund, journalist, born 1956
Education: Postgraduate – language line. Graduated from the Danish School of Journalism 1982.
Special education within nature-, environment- and science journalism 1993/94.
Courses : “Management”, “Environment on WWW” both at the Danish School of Journalism.
Work: Picture editor at “Politikens pressefoto” ( Photo and news agency) 1983. Journalist at “Aktuelt” (a daily news paper) 1983 – 96 writing about social welfare, environment-policy, energy sources, agriculture, science, Danish aid to the third world and travel issues. Writing editor for “Natur and Miljoe” (Nature and environment) – the Danish Society for Protection of the Nature, 1996- 2000. Free lance journalist from May 2000 with specialities within nature, energy, environment, science and Danish aid to the third world and travelling features for “Berlingske Tidende” and “Politiken” ( Danish daily news papers), Egmont- and Aller weekly magazines and “Illustreret Videnskab”. Since 2019 writing co-editor for “Globen”, Danish travelling magazine.
Books: “De smukke ofre” ( The beautiful victims) a book for debate about rape – 1982, “Frit fald over Amazonas” ( Free fall above the Amazon) teenager novel – 1991, “Danmarks miljoesamarabejde med Thailand” (Danish environmental co-operation with Thailand) for the Ministry of Environment, – 2001. “Falcks dyreambulance” (Animal ambulance) a children`s book –2003. “Cambodja- et land I forandring” (Cambodja – a changing country) schoolbook 2003. “Turen går til Malaysia og Singapore” (guidebook) 2010 (ongoing).
Television: “En privat sag” (A private matter) a documentary about private hospitals 1989.
Peter Hauerbach, photographer, born 1954
Education: Photographic school in Stockholm 1978 – Free-lance photographer from 1979 for “Frederiksberg Bladet” and “Vestegnen” ( local and regional papers), Berlingske Tidende ( morning paper), Nordfoto ( news agency) and the Danish Tourist Board. In 1996 a long trip to Australia to make nature articles. Since 1997 free-lancing for “Her & Nu” (weekly picture magazine), IDA, TV 3,” Hendes Verden”,”Sund nu” among others .
Through all the years making a special field within travel-, nature – and underwater features for “Berlingske Tidende” and “Politiken” (Danish news papers), “Natur og Videnskab” ( Nature and science), “DYK” (Diving), “Vagabond” and “Globen” (travelling magazines).
Books: photo-illustraions : “Pasport to Australia” (Schoolbook), “Danmarks miljoesamarbejde med Thailand” (Danish environmental co-operation with Thailand), “Falcks dyreambulance” ( Childrens book), “Cambodja – et land I forandring” (Schoolbook).
Text and photo: ” Mangroves, coral reefs and local people”
Presentations: “Ecotourism”,” Mangroves, corals and local people”, Diving-trips”.
Workshops: Travelling journalism – DJ 2010; Travelling journalism – Nordic journalist seminar 2011. Since 2018 teaching photography on regular basis.
Assingments past and present – for the following news papers, magazines and companies:
“Her & Nu”, “Hendes Verden”, “Vi forældre”, (Egmont Magazines); “Berlingske Tidende”,”Politiken”,”Jyllands Posten”, (Danish news papers), “Danida”/Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; The Danish Tourist Board; “Verdens Gang”, (Norwegian daily), “SilverKris”, (Singapore Airlines); “Opdag Verden”,”Vagabond”,”Globen”, (travelling magazines); WWF; CARE; “Motor”, FDM; TV3.